Matobo Hills Colin Farai †
"Der Siegeszug des umjubelten Jungen"
Multi Ch. Matobo Hills Colin Farai ♥
*18.03.2011 †03.05.2021
Multi.Ch.Shangani Eshe Yachter & Multi.Ch.Shangani Doya Vizuri
VDH 11/109 08141
LOF 5747/685
Breeder and owner: Kennel Matobo Hills, Alexandra Erb
Height: 69cm
Weight: 44 kg
HD/ED/OCD: A/0 free
JME free
DM clear
Dilute: D/D (=homozygot)
Full-tooth scissor bite
Ridge Disposition: R/R (dominant homozygot)
Breeding: unrestricted breeding approval DZRR, unrestricted approval in France SCC
INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION, Ch. Monaco, San Marino, Cyprus, Georgia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Grand Ch. Georgia, Grand Ch. Cyprus, Croatia,
Appl. France, Appl. Italy and Appl. VDH Germany fulfilled